The Apache are a Native American people located throughout the southwest. Most Apache tribes were nomadic and their territory stretched from present day Mexico to the southern plains of the US.
The Apache used several different types of dwellings depending on where they lived and the construction materials found in the area.
History of
Because they were nomads, Apache dwellings were semi-permanent for easy construction. Apache dwellings were as diverse as the areas in which they lived. They adapted their homes to different climates and sometimes adopted new building techniques from neighboring Native American tribes.
Type # 1 The most widely used Apache dwelling was called a wickiup or wigwam. Large wooden branches and poles were the frame and surrounding brush covered the entire structure as protection from the elements. These dwellings could be constructed very quickly if enough resources were in the area. Due to their religious beliefs, most Apaches would burn a wickiup or wigwam if one of the current inhabitants died.
Type# 2 The hogan is another type of dwelling adopted by the Apache tribes. This structure is more commonly associated with the Navajo tribe, but some southern Apache used this type of housing as well. Hogans were more permanent homes as they were built of mud and sticks. A frame was made from logs and mud, sticks and even dried earthen bricks were used to finish the home. The entryway or front door of a hogan will always east to face the rising sun.
Type# 3 The kowa was a dome-shaped dwelling with a wooded frame, thatch and grass were used for the covering. Much like the wickiup or wigwam, the kowa was easily assembled and taken down for travel. Like all Apache dwellings, the construction of the kowa was done by the women of the tribe.
Type# 4 The teepee or tipi, is the most recognized Native American dwelling. This home was commonly used by the Plains Indians. The Lipan and Plains Apache often used this type of dwelling. The teepee is a cone-shaped structure supported by large poles and covered with animal skins. The top of the teepee had a hole that allowed smoke from a central fire to escape. The most common skin used to cover a teepee was buffalo skin. Teepees were very versatile for the Plains Apache as they could be built and taken down quickly as the tribe moved from place to place in search of game.
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