"THUNDER" (wakiya)

"THUNDER" (wakiya)

About the Author

"Wakiya" (Thunder)

About the Author
Roger Thunderhands Gilbert is an accomplished writer, musician, and artist. In his lifetime, he has done many things. These would include aviation, the martial arts, and a life long study of spiritual and tribal ritual. In the martial arts, his study has included three disciplines, Aikido, Kung Fu San Soo, and Tai Chi. He also worked with the Special Forces in a training capacity. In the field of aviation, he obtained his private, commercial, and instrument ratings as a pilot, with multi-engine, and flight instructor qualifications. He learned tracking as a boy and has worked with the sheriff’s search and rescue in that capacity. His spiritual knowledge includes in-depth study, and personal experience, with many shamanistic and esoteric practices. He is a practitioner of Kriya yoga, Kundalini yoga, Tantrika, and Chinese inner alchemy. In addition, he received his certificate in acupressure and uses several modalities for healing. He considers himself an authority on the Biblical teachings of Yeshua or Jesus, but considers himself spiritual, not religious. And last but not least, he has done an exhaustive study and been an activist of North American Native tribes and ritual. His own roots are of Métis descent, and his spirituality is universal.




"One who yawns" is the meaning of the name Goyathlay, which is Geronimo's true name. The name Geronimo was a name he picked up as a nickname given to him by his fellow warriors after a fierce battle with the Mexican soldiers who killed his whole family. His wife, child, and mother.

On that fateful day of revenge, Goyathlay darted back and forth between  Mexican soldiers like a human tiger, taking them out with his knife in a fierce manner. They began to audibly pray and call upon their St. Jerome which in Mexican is Geronimo!

His fellow warriors laughed and began to call him by the name Geronimo, thus the name that stuck to him! Needless to say the Mexican soldiers received no help from their saint, except maybe to be received by him in the hereafter! Geronimo was a fierce warrior / shaman of the "Bedonkohe" Chiricahua Apaches. He often looks like he has a grimacing smile. Part of the reason for that other than anger is a wound he received near the corner of his mouth! -Thunder

Graphic recreation of Geronimo by Thunder
"A tribute to Goyathlay"

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