

OK so many of you know that my favorite woman warrior was Lozen of the Apache people. She rode with Geronimo and was sister to Victorio. She had uncanny psychic powers and fought like a wild cat.
Now supposedly there are no pictures of her except the one where she is a prisoner sitting by the train that they were about to ship her and all the Chiricahua Apaches off  to florida in.
So I am tooling through images on the net and come across this photo on an obscure mexican website. It is the same women in the picture by the train I cropped for a close up. Yes I believe this picture is that same women or Lozen! So I took the monochrome and colorized it. If this woman isn't Lozen she is definitely an Apache warrior woman! Check those eyes. I sure as hell wouldn't be giving her any back talk! Laughs! I think this is Lozen!-Thunder

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