
Keeping watch

Keeping Watch

The scouts were the eyes and ears for the tribe, while the elders and Holy Men kept watch on the spiritual aspect. I guess I have a little bit of both in me. Or maybe a whole lot of of both in me.

My Radio shows help me with that, as does posting on here. Every day that passes we encounter danger to a greater degree. Times are getting more critical, faster then you know. I want you to know that my shows are archived and I encourage you to check them out. They will help you. I will post the link at the bottom.

I really appreciate all who listen because it helps me accomplish my purpose. So I might do say like 7 shows and kick back for a few days, don't know yet. I could use some DONATIONS! Laughs! Anything will help. I thank those who have donated, and some who donated over forty dollars, I sent my book to. I realize that times are tight but if you can afford to donate anything please do so at my website.

So the first link is for the radio show archives and the second is my personal site with my books, newsletter and a place to donate. Also be aware that I am looking for a PR person and a possible monetary backer, so I can get out on the road with my seminars. Blessings to you all. Thunder
Radio show:
My Website:

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