The movie "Che" with Benicio Del Toro directed by Steven Sodenberg

From "The Motorcycle Diaries" the early life of Che Guevera and his odyssey
across the Americas.
Effecting Change / Another view
Comment by Thunder:
I like to present different viewpoints regarding the situation we find ourselves in. The world and the governments are not in any way changing the deplorable conditions faced everyday. The injustice to our own (native) people, the homeless, the elderly, and the earth, just isn't going away. The Apache was one of the greatest guerrilla fighters of all time. (See Video Below) They faced a supreme injustice and were the last standouts against the genocide. But now we all face an uncaring, invasive, manipulative giant today with no idea of what their agenda is or who is pulling the strings. Is armed struggle an answer? Is revolution useless? How about pacifistic attempts? Do they work? I will present information from both sides and you decide. Although I must say waiting for things to change in my lifetime is getting a little old. I have seen revolutions peaceful and otherwise make a difference.
Many think that the sixties and seventies in this country was all flower power and non violent. Need I remind them of the students killed at Kent State, the Violence at the Chicago democratic convention, and the take over of wounded knee by A.I.M, not to mention the thousands of my generation killed in Vietnam.
As a young man, I lived and participated in the struggle in the sixties. I saw change come about by some of our tactics. Che Guevara was a poster boy for our generation! If you want to see how his opinion was formed and how a young medical student from a good family became a Revolutionary hero, who was eventually ordered executed by the CIA. I suggest watching the new Movie "CHE"

Introduction: Why Take Up Armed Struggle?
From an article; Author (anonymous)-The Online Green Anarchy Archive
The question of whether or not to take up arms and fight for liberation is a difficult one to answer. There has yet to be a successful armed Anarchist revolution. To be fair, though, no substantial change in recent world history has been effected through non-violent means, either. We live in a world of violent domination, where people are either compliant with corporate rule or done away with. As first-world consumers, we are all guilty of directly causing the subjugation of marginalized people the world over, the destruction of the global eco-sphere and the deaths of those in political opposition to any government ours has relations with. I don't point this out in order to cause guilt or make accusations, but mostly to point out to Americans who claim to be believers in non-violence that they are fooling themselves. As I write and you read this, people in Central America are picking our fruit and coffee for us at wages that keep them from starving to death quickly, even with the whole family working; in Indonesia, mountains are being strip-mined for ores that will go to make our cars, computers and bikes, literally over the dead bodies of the people who once lived there...I could go on and on along these lines, but the point is that - unless you grow your own food on land that a Native American family has invited you to share with them and likewise grow the fabrics that provide your clothing - you are a benefactor of the most atrocious, blood-thirsty, ruthless nation-state the world has ever seen. But, I digress.
The legitimacy of armed uprising is always debatable, and it is my opinion that this is an issue that each of us has to decide for ourselves. Therefore, I won't spend much time debating it, as I consider pacifism to be a sort of self-therapy to dismiss anything the pacifist doesn't wish to confront on a personal level. There are plenty of articles, essays and books to counter my viewpoint, and please feel free to read and learn from them, as I have. But please do not try to argue the pacifist point of view with me, and don't censure me.
Some of the views in the artical above do not neccesarily reflect the views of myself or this blog, but are presented in the spirit of consideration of all viewpoints.

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